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发布时间:2024-2-14 11:34:38 发布地址:http://www.e5tg.com/ppey21/115222.html


传奇合击发布网2008年,江苏省扬州市的公安机关破获了一个的个人Server案,并追随葡萄藤找出了甚么是国度的。最受欢送的是郭永平的名字。知名的私有Server广告经过“插件999”,“ 999私有Server同盟”等出版。郭永平经过一年多的时间为私有Server供给广告,一年共取得非法运营薪资1274万元。 。非法运营罪,判处有期徒刑5年,并处分金1720万元。


传奇合击发布网除上述链接外,个人服务还触及个人Server托管,付款,广告和很多其他链接,这些链接大部分是集成的。 Among the game private server cases that have been cracked so far, the largest amount involved is the Shenyang "Legendary Private Server" case trial in June 2012. The amount involved is 5.600 million. Almost all aspects of the game private server are involved. In this case, the defendant recruited dozens of people in变态传奇sf网站 Bainaohui Building, Sanhao Street, Heping District, Shenyang City since 2008, organized the development of four payment platform systems, and cooperated with a number of companies that provided various recharge and settlement services. SP" company cooperated to provide services such as charging, fee settlement and leasing, and hosting service game servers for the "Legend" private service GM, private service advertising agencies, etc. The illeg传奇a700al turnover reached 424522536.44 yuan, during which rental and hosting were provided. The server's illegal income was 3,106,129 yuan, and the illegal business amount was 7,301,172 2. 5 yuan for the operators that it cooperated with. The amount is amazing.分页题目


传奇合击发布网In the era when private servers were just emerging, many people set up private servers on their computers or servers more out of money-saving considerations, because early online games such as "Legend of Blood" adopted a time-based charging model, plus Internet access.本钱高。 Some people even set up the "Legend" private server to play the game as a stand-alone game in order to experience the game. In the early days, most private servers often adopted free methods to attract users, but even this caused huge benefits to the operators. Loss.

传奇合击发布网Of course, to a certain extent, private servers also have a certain value for game companies: due to the large number of private server versions, some private server developers will compare official game content settings and gameplay in order to attract users. Some adjustments to the server or some innovations in player services have become experimental grounds for game content and mode innovation-some successful designs will even be learned and referenced by the official, such as the family battle initiated by the private server The model was once used for reference by Shanda on the Haofang platform. According to industry insiders, in addition to those who have made a name for themselves and successfully started their own businesses like Chen Mo, giant and Shanda have also incorporated some influential private server GMs to help improve the development and operation of games.

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